Thursday, March 4, 2010

Restoring My Faith in India

All things seen, told, heard, and tasted, Bangalore restored my faith in India. I'm aware that there is so much that I'm not seeing in India. In fact one could spend an entire life roaming around India and not know more than 1% about it. I'm probably missing everything good in Chennai while I'm here in my office typing up this absurd and ridiculous blog, but Bangalore still treated me better.

I'm astounded how different the two cities are. It seemed to me, that most things that Chennai lacks, Bangalore has. Of course there are things lacking in Bangalore, it's not my home. But I gotta say, for a place to visit, skip out on Chennai, and go to Bangalore instead. A lot of people tell me that Bangalore is too busy as well, and that one should go to Mysore. Which all points to the fact that my excitement in exploring other parts of India has been restored to its original pluck. I'm ready to go exploring again and see some interesting stuff. I will, however, be reticent to return to Chennai for anything other than my job.


  1. I am curious, can you please share some specific reasons why you feel more comfortable in Bangalore? Thanks.

  2. Clark where did your blog go I MISS YOOOOOOUUUUUUUUUUUUU

  3. Hey Clark. I'm a friend of Kate Atkins and she mentioned that you were living in Chennai for the next year. I'll be in Mamalapuram from March 13 - 26 and would love to meet up if you're in the Chennai area. My blog is and my name is Tiffany.

  4. Ah yes, reasons I like bangalore. The first and foremost is that it's probably the cleanest city I've seen in India. Secondly, since it's near hills the weather isn't simply hell for 10 months.
    Bangalore is also really interesting in that it's maybe the best place where I've seen Indian and Western cultures coexist comfortably.
    Also, there is beer on tap, and they didn't abandon the british influence, but still have their own indian ways. All in all, I think it's my favorite city in India.
