Monday, December 14, 2009

NYC is spacious, this is crowded

In India, there is simply no escape from huts and hutments. Little dwellings where a lot of people live. I walk by this little hut everyday (twice) and I see a lot of people here. I started counting. One day I counted 14 people going in and out of the hut. These are not just visitors either. These people don't get a lot of visitors as I understand it. I also see them sleeping in or around this hut.

Amongst the educated crowds here in India, overpopulation is a popular topic. The well educated (as I'd mentioned before) do not believe that India's population is an asset but a huge detriment that will cause severe starvation problems and overall resource issues. They know (as well as we all do) getting this many people clean water, edible food, education, employment, and all other necessities of a "first world" country is simply impossible. It is sometimes a sad scene. I am, however, perpetually amazed at the conditions in which 100s of millions of people not only live, but are willing to live with. Be sure to note, many of the slum dwellers have moved from villages to the big city to have a better shot at economic stability...
People move TO THE SLUMS because (they believe) it is a better life.

On a quick side note, I've seen the small villages in the middle of India. The living there is tough, but people have what they need; food, clothing, shelter, and not much else, but they have enough to survive. I do not believe the same can be said for slum dwellers in India's megacities. (that's an opinion, but I think well founded)

At least 14 people live here.


  1. Safe to assume that that car is not theirs...? ;)
    I know, I shouldn't make a joke about that. It's pretty amazing how some people live and how spoiled and unaware others are.

  2. Do the 14 appear to be in the same family or is it a group of individuals?

  3. I'm not sure the relations among them. It looks like it is two separate families. I haven't been in that hut. There may be a partition in the middle to separate them, or they might really all be one family... Hard to tell. It's not considered appropriate for me to talk to them or them to me.
