Sunday, December 27, 2009

Dinner for 400

I'm not kidding, I attended a dinner with at least 400 people. I'm terribly sad to report you'll have to wait another week for pictures of said dinner. But as it was, the whole village/family was in attendance. The village where I'm staying is my family's village. I am not exaggerating at all when I say nearly every person at the dinner had the last name "Aboulhosn." It's not a joke, not an exaggeration, just a huge freaking family. There were a few random stragglers without the Aboulhosn moniker. My dad and I were two such, but we were born with the name and changed it later. Another few were children of women aboulhosns who married persons with other last names (but within the religion basically). So if you seen My Big Far Greek Wedding (I hate to reference that movie so much, but in the mediterranean we say one face one race... and it's the only good reference point for most people who've never been here) then you'll almost understand the magnitude of this dinner.

We filled an entire large banquet hall in our nice community center with tables and every table was full. Furthermore, the food was ridiculous. Two enormous long tables full of food, and anytime one item got low (nothing ever ran out, that would be inhospitable) they replaces it with a huge new tray of the same thing. You might recall Lebanon's recent Hummus stunt, wherein they produced the world's largest hummus dish of something like 2 tons... Well, last night a few hundred pounds of it were present I'm dead certain.

So lunch for 35, dinner for 400. Being Eastern Mediterranean, we like to do food and family in a BIG way. oof. Although, I can't complain too much, I've been eating extremely well. (Pictures asap I promise)

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