Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Chennai Super Kings: BRING IT

I called it! I called it from day one. Chennai Super Kings win the Indian Premiere League! I called that from day one. I also said that they'd beat the Mumbai Indians. Turns out, that was the championship match.

I have had the serious good fortune of being in cities when a bat and ball championship has occurred. For example 2005 Chicago White Sox! Also, 2008 Phillies! Now 2010 Chennai Super Kings! Of course I was not in chennai for the game or the celebrations, but I did support the team for the whole tournament.

I have this thing about supporting sporting. Somehow, sports are one thing that can really unite people locally (or regionally or nationally) across religion and politics.
Example: most right thinking americans will cheer for an american in the olympics. Of course we have the disease of having TOO MANY revisionists who wish to see the United States do poorly in everything (until of course it comes to their own personal finances), but in general, I think Americans cheer for Americans. Chicagoans cheer for Chicago teams (Cubs/Sox is an exception), Philladelphians cheer for Philly teams, Chennaikers cheer for the Chennai Super Kings (there are no other teams).

For what it's worth, I, myself, needed something for which to cheer concerning my time in Chennai and I actually like cricket. My close Indian friend doesn't like it, but that's because he's bitter about the fact that academics get paid shit while cricketers make more money each year than he will in a lifetime working in India. To be fair, I have the same gripes with professional athletes in the United States, but I got over it. They simply make more money, that's life. Life is unfair, cricket is awesome.

After a grueling regular season in which the super kings (what a shitty name!) were relegated to next to last in the standings after an abysmal 5 match losing streak, things began to look up. They won 3 in a row. Lost 1, then proceeding to kick ass and take names all the way to the semifinals and then crush sachin tendulkar and his elite batsmanship all the way to the tune of IPL champs! BOO YA! Go Super Kings. Also, Matthew Hayden is my boy!

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