"That's way too much!"
Ok, we're going. It's not that far. What's this? He likes my Tamil? That's cool. What's he doing now? Is he RACING the other rickshaws? Am I going to die? Is he making the sound of a car peeling out? This guy is hilarious. He's asking me something in tamil... "How long have I been here?" I respond? "Yes" he repeats in Tamil and then in English "how long you are staying here?" "Five months, aingee." "Oh your Tamil so good." He starts counting in Tamil. He starts singing in Tamil, asks me something else I have know idea. I ask him if he speaks English "Englisha Teriamaa?" "Little little, konjum sir." We pull up to a stop light. Apparently there are two young women in the back of the next rickshaw over. He looks over. No, scratch that, he very obviously leans over to stare at them. I catch him in the mirror. He smiles, and then pulls the rickshaw forward so I can see too! I take a quick glance, nothing special. But just to acknowledge the whole ordeal I look at him in the mirror and we are both nodding as if to say "Look! Single Women! NICE!" Of course I'm not thinking this at the time. I've now begun thinking, this dude is hilarious. I'm kind of ok overpaying him for this one ride, because he's a totally f'ing nut job. Also, I dig his sense of humor.
The ride finishes rather quickly, and I'm happy about it, because I still have an overwhelming feeling of disdain for mosquito taxis. However, this guy was at least fun to ride with. He kind of acted like a kid happy to have ripped off another westerner enough so that he can buy his petrol for the night. It was amongst the very few times I felt like I got my money's worth out of a mosquito taxi ride. So, for now, I'll dub this crazy dude, "Best Rickshaw driver in Chennai." Well done, sir, well done.
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