Sunday, January 3, 2010

More Mountain and Valley pics

I'm not sure of the name of this town

From Btekhnay

On the way to Jeita Grotto

Snow capped mountain seen from the airport in Beirut


One of my favorite valleys

Mediterranean Sea and snow capped mountain
The snow didn't turn out well in this picture, but I assure you it is there


  1. Very lovely. Wish I could fly over it in a helicopter. So what are those trees in the second photo? I thought it was a type of cedar (though not the Cedar of Lebanon) but I don't think that's right anymore.

    Fun fact: If you google Btekhnay (even if you spell it wrong) a bunch of references to Aboulhosns come up.

  2. A)Those are pine trees. They trim them high so as to get a good yield of pine nuts.

    B)Almost no one but Aboulhosns live in Btekhnay.

  3. I wish I were on my way to Jeita Grotto. That looks nice.

  4. Really beautiful - reminds me a lot of Italy. I hope to see it firsthand one day!
